September 16, 2019
Welcome to the new, freshly redesigned rebeccapeck.org!
It’s amazing how you can become used to a design. It becomes like a warm coat.
You love the predictability, you spent a lot of time getting the fonts right,
getting the layour right, and everything is just perfect. That was the case with
this site, that was pretty much exactly how it was way back when I migrated the
site from Wordpress to Jekyll in 2013.
To put that into perspective, my daughter was not even a year old yet. Barack
Obama was just one year into his second term, the iPhone 5S had just dropped a
month earlier, the first 4K TVs were shown off at CES. A long time has passed.
And then the years pass. New devices and browsers appear. New technologies
become available, and cruft builds up. In this case, a simple task of “I need to
add a box to the site so that people will quit trying to use the comments for
tech support and go to Github instead” became a full scale burn it down and
start again redesign.
So, aside from the new design, what else has changed?
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